About the exhibition
Rosmarie Lukasser
Approximation to “… I’m on the net i2.1”
Since 2008, Rosmarie Lukasser has been developing a series of work entitled Annäherung an “… bin im Netz i2.1” (Approximation to “… I’m on the net i2.1”). Here, it is not the gadgets of new media nor their contents that her interest is focused on. Rather, it is the human being which she places in relation to the digital world, thereby creating an impressive psychograph of contemporary society. She addresses the immateriality of the internet using traditional methods of sculpture, pitting tactility and corporeality against the fleeting nature of the virtual.
The mise-en-scènes of her exhibitions reflect an everyday reality that is all too familiar from public spaces: we are together, but each person is alone, engrossed in an electronic device. Each person executes the same gestures, but no one knows what the other is doing.
(from a piece by Beate Ermacora for the exhibition Worlds in Contradiction – Areas of Globalisation, Taxispalais gallery, Innsbruck, 2015)
MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna
14.02. – 04.04.2018