Uli Aigner

Selected works

Uli Aigner Art Düsseldorf Smolka Contemporary Buntstiftzeichnung
Uli Aigner Art Düsseldorf Smolka Contemporary Buntstiftzeichnung
Uli Aigner Art Düsseldorf Smolka Contemporary Buntstiftzeichnung
Uli Aigner One Million Smolka Contemporary Eine Million Porcelain
Uli Aigner One Million Smolka Contemporary Eine Million Porcelain
Uli Aigner One Million Smolka Contemporary Eine Million Porcelain
Uli Aigner One Million Smolka Contemporary Eine Million Porcelain
Uli Aigner Art Düsseldorf Smolka Contemporary silkscreen

Uli Aigner


Uli Aigner was born in 1965 in Austria. After her pottery apprenticeship diploma she studied product design under Matteo Thun at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Graduation with Distinction, 1990) and Digital Image Design at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.


After producing numerous video, performance and installation artworks, she started drawing large-scale colour pencil drawings in the mid-90s. Since 2014, she also potters porcelain objects from the series “One Million”. Her work has been shown at renowned international museums, institutions and galleries.


Her visiting professorship at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich (2001-2003), set yet another focus in her work, resulting in a 5-year curatorship at Lothringer 13 – Gallery of Contemporary Art of the City of Munich.


In 2011, Uli Aigner moved with her family to Berlin and since has been focused on her artistic work.

One Million

One Million is my way of dealing with and confronting globalisation.


The venture – to produce 1,000,000 pieces of porcelain vessels before my natural death with my own hands – begun in 2014. Every item is engraved with a chronological number, based on the order of its creation, turning each porcelain item into a unique, individual object.


On the website www.eine-million.com every item is digitally represented by a photograph and its locations. Each item can be located via Google Maps.


A global trans-national and trans-cultural art project: The aim is to create a global network that will encompass all continents and virtually unite all owners of these porcelain items. The certainty of being able to make a commodity out of a piece of damp earth connects us with the entire history of human development.


Uli Aigner

Exhibitions at Smolka Contemporary
Uli Aigner
Alois Mosbacher Paper Work Smolka Contemporary
Paper Positions Vienna 2024
Uli Aigner Art Düsseldorf 2024
Art Düsseldorf 2024
Uli Aigner One Million Porcelain Smolka Contemporary
One Million
Smolka Contemporary Vienna Contemporary 2018
Vienna Contemporary 2018
Uli Aigner
Offene Form, Eine Million
2014 / MQ ART BOX
Offene Form
PressUli Aigner