Roland Reiter


07.07. – 15.08.2020

mq museumsquartier   ART BOX

About the exhibition

Roland Reiter

Roland Reiter’s installation Twins features two hovering Lamborghini sports car body shells in mirrored gold that are welded to each other. The viewer is denied a glimpse into the interior of the object; our gaze falls back upon ourselves.
What happens when two status symbols are stripped of their function and become the artist’s material? A new connection is created, which nonetheless continues to carry the essence of a former purpose within. The object is surrounded by an aura of promise – of appreciation, prestige, beauty or the right life in which everything goes smoothly. The model name Countach stands for ne plus ultra, an exclamation that unites amazement and awe. But in its new context, the promise is not made good on. The double ne plus ultra creates a contradiction. (…)

Text excerpt: Nina Gospodin


MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1010 Wien


07.07. – 15.08.2020