Peter Sandbichler


22.06. – 14.09.2017

mq museumsquartier   ART BOX
Peter Sandbichler - Shrine

About the exhibition

Peter Sandbichler

Alongside the large museums, whose contents and communications programmes are often accessible with a ticket, the art installations in the MQ ART BOX almost become accessible en passant.


Peter Sandbichler reacts to this pop-up setting by wrapping almost the entire volume of the interior space in cardboard: The rectangular prism measuring 840 x 334 x 505 cm which is made from 180 folded boxes floats around 70 cm above the ground, creating a form of miniature pendant to the volumes of the surrounding temples of art. By recycling low value packaging material the artist creates spatial sculptures with complex surfaces whose effects emerge from the interplay of light and shadow. The title SHRINE is related to the interface between imagination and truth, the point of orientation of the contemporary Economy of Attention*, in which less and less content is offered with more and more packaging.


Folder Sandbichler (2MB)


MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna


22.06. – 14.09.2017