Gisela Stiegler


02.04. – 07.06.2019

mq museumsquartier   ART BOX
Gisela Stiegler - AKROPOLIS 21

About the exhibition

Gisela Stiegler

Opening: 2 April 7pm


A cube on the museum premises. A hall of columns. A place of study and festivities. The cube with seven column sculptures. Forms beckon. Cylinders and tori in intensive colours. Radically clear presence. A scene filled with perspective.


The disentanglement of proportions is Gisela Stiegler’s artistic theme. The classic column is the prototype for the implementation. A new analytical discourse with daring compositions is also discernible in the carved sculptures. The forms grow toward each other. A process of lingering and continuing on. Unyieldingly connected through the colours. The Minimal Art of the 21st century. Christa Armann


MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna


02.04. – 07.06.2019