Gabriele Sturm


27.08. – 14.09.2018

mq museumsquartier   ART BOX

About the exhibition

Gabriele Sturm

I can see for thousands of kilometres from the passenger seat of the truck through the filter of the windscreen where the moving wipers reveal sections: fog, rain, dust, and insects smacking against the glass. As part of my project how far is far? (wie weit ist weit?)(2005 ff), which deals, amongst other things, with the enormous efforts put into the delivery of immediately available goods, on the transit routes I experienced thou- sands of insects expiring on the windscreen.

Natural scientists use the phenomenon of the insects thus gathered as an indicator of insect extinction. The SCREEN SHOTS mise-en-scene for the MQ ART BOX becomes an interface be- tween this phenomenon and a new form of the butterfly box.

Mirror foil on the floor opens up a new axis of seeing the construction that is the MQ ART BOX. The installation consists of a performative process and transforms the glass walls into a canvas for the work.


Folder Sturm


MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna


27.08. – 14.09.2018